Transform Your Life in Retirement in 4 Easy Steps

The transition to retirement isn’t always easy. While you may picture endless days of fishing or golf surrounded by palm trees, that lifestyle may not fulfill you. In fact, a happy retirement looks different for everyone! At The Future of You, we want to help you create a personalized vision of an ideal retirement plan that checks all your boxes.
Why Should You Plan for Retirement?
When thinking about retirement, most people’s first thought is the financial aspect. But even if you have enough money, your plan needs to focus on how you’ll spend your time. We know it can be difficult to figure out what you want to do after you’ve been fixated on your career for years, and that’s where we come in.
Retirees should know that there are options out there other than traditional retirement. People are embracing a modern view that’s changing the game. Careful planning will allow you to reframe your perspective on retirement.
Traditional vs. Modern Retirement
Retirement started with the introduction of pensions in Europe, and later the US, in the late 1800s. At the time, however, the average life expectancy was much lower than today. So for most people, retirement would only be a short period of their life. These days, with our increased life expectancy, retirement can last as long as 20-30 years. So, what should you do with all that time?
Today, people don’t want to retire and do nothing. They want to use this time to do the things they love and find new passions. Sure, playing golf and lying on the beach can be part of the deal, but retirement can be so much more. Your retirement can be as multifaceted and diverse as you’d like it to be.
So, although retirement started as a time for people to relax after years of hard work, the landscape has changed. There is a big difference between traditional retirement and modern retirement. Let’s look at what that means.
A Traditional Retirement Stereotype
When we say traditional retirement, we tend to picture stereotypical things like:
- Living a quiet and sedentary life
- Fishing or golfing
- Bingo
- Early Bird Specials
While these can be delightful ways to spend some of your time, if that’s all you’re doing, your next chapter may not be as fulfilling as you had hoped. In our research, we’ve noticed more and more people breaking away from the stereotype and choosing a variety of ways to spend their time.
An Evolved View of Retirement
The great thing about the modern approach to retirement is that it can look however you want. Many retirees now focus on:
- Being physically active
- Revisiting earlier passions
- Using their skills to help others
- Continuing to work in a new capacity
Modern retirement means continuing to live a full life. In fact, did you know that more than 55% of workers plan to keep working in retirement? Many retirees choose to work to stay physically active and maintain a sense of purpose.
Many others revisit artistic passions that they left behind to start families and careers. It’s a great time to rekindle old hobbies or try something new. Retirement can mean you have the time to take classes and learn new skills.
Retirement Lifestyle Transition Planning
Given all the options, it can be overwhelming trying to decide how you’ll spend your time. Remember that everyone is different, and it’s important to think about what matters to you.
If you’re ready to start your transition to retirement, here are 4 steps to help make that transition as smooth and effective as possible.
1: Rebalance Your Life
You’ve led a long and fulfilling life full of highs and lows. Retirement is the perfect time to think back and reflect before moving forward. It’s important to remember that you’re leaving behind a part of your life that took up a lot of your time.
Rebalancing your life means reflecting on the 5 main segments of your life. Take inventory of where you currently are and the areas that you need to rebalance. This will allow you to focus your energy on what you’re most excited about.
2: Connect to Your Purpose
Purpose may seem like a big word, reserved for people who change the world, like Mother Theresa or Gandhi. The reality is that everyone has a purpose, even if it’s not always obvious. Your purpose is something you feel:
- Naturally good at and enjoy doing
- Passionate about
- Aligns with your values
In a nutshell, connecting to your inner passion will help you see the unlimited possibilities for your future. Once you do this, you’ll be amazed at the new-found energy and excitement you have to tackle new challenges and adventures.
3: Activate “ReTRYment”
Connecting to your purpose requires a mindset that’s open to experimentation. Don’t be afraid to try new things! You should take small steps in different directions so that you can learn and evolve based on the results.
The simple framework of “plan, try, learn” is a great way to try on several hats without having to commit. Try many things, see what works, and then keep going or pivot to a new direction. When you find what brings you energy and joy, focus on that.
4: Launch Your Life Plan
The final step is to Launch Your Life Plan. This is where you take everything you’ve done up to this point and integrate it into your life to create a seamless (and fun) transition into retirement. As you do this, you’ll find yourself living with purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.
This is what it means to retire on your own terms.
The Future of You is Here to Help
The bottom line is that we understand that this transition can be difficult to navigate. Finding the right balance between traditional retirement and moving forward into an evolved retirement takes a plan.
The Future of You will provide you with a proven roadmap and set of tools to support you through this significant life change. We also provide expert content and interactive experiences to help you design a personalized vision of what’s right for you in retirement.
Check out our Jumpstarter Program
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